Modified Trident Reagent Replacement: Preface

If you have been directed to this page, due to the card found in your reagent kit, it is because the Trident will need a slightly modified reagent replacement method to achieve the most precise and accurate measurements.

The entire reagent replacement with a required calibration will take 2-3 hours of time, but don’t worry, it is not required to complete the process all at once.  With all that being said, if Trident controlled dosing is in place, then Neptune Systems would recommend that the steps are completed all in the period of a single day.

Run Reagent Replacement Task


  1. Select the task icon in Apex Fusion
  2. Scroll down to Trident Reagent Replacement
  3. Select Trident Reagent Replacement
  4. Run through onscreen prompts and instructions to replace the reagents.

DO NOT select Trident Reagent A Replacement Task.  These modified instruction are only used when replacing Reagent A, B and C.  

Run a Manual Test

It now needs to be confirmed that the Trident is experiencing the same level of precision as it was before the reagent replacement.  To do this the Trident will need to run three combined tests in a row.

  1. On the Trident tile found on the Apex Dashboard select the configuration gear
  2. Select Start Test- Combined

The Trident will begin testing and turn blue.   When testing is complete it will turn orange.  Repeat steps (1) and (2) an additional two times.  It is not required these are done in quick succession or if a normally scheduled test occurs during that time.

Confirm Precision-Alkalinity

After completing three combined tests the Trident measurements will need to be inspected and their precision confirmed.  To do this:

  1. Click on the Trident Dashboard Tile and select your Alkalinity graph
  2. Change the resolution to 1 Day.
  3. Confirm the last two Alkalinity tests are within +- 0.05 dKH
  4. In the example video it illustrates 8.19, 8.19 and 8.13.  These results are all within 0.05 dKH.

Do  NOT be concerned with what the Trident was reading BEFORE the reagent replacement

Confirm Precision-Calcium

After confirming the Alkalinity, next confirm the Calcium. To do this:

  1. Click on the Trident Dashboard Tile and select your Calcium graph
  2. Change the resolution to 1 Day.
  3. Confirm the last two Calcium tests are within +- 15 ppm
  4. In the example video it illustrates 451, 457 and 452.  These results are all within 15 ppm.

Do  NOT be concerned with what the Trident was reading BEFORE the reagent replacement

Confirm Precision- Magnesium

After confirming the Calcium, next confirm the Magnesium.  To do this:

  1. Click on the Trident Dashboard Tile and select your Magnesium graph
  2. Change the resolution to 1 Day.
  3. Confirm the last two Magnesium tests are within +- 15 ppm
  4. In the example video it illustrates 1545, 1533 and 1519.  These last two results are all within 15 ppm.

Do  NOT be concerned with what the Trident was reading BEFORE the reagent replacement

Perform Calibration

Once the three combined tests and precision has been confirmed it is now time to calibrate the Trident to bring the measurements more in line with where they were before the reagent replacement.  To do this:

  1. From the Apex Fusion Dashboard select the task icon
  2. Select the Trident Calibration Task and complete the onscreen steps.

This completes the modified Trident reagent replacement instructions.