Trident Controlled DŌS: Preface

This guide will walk through setup of Trident controlled dosing using the Neptune Systems DŌS. Controlled dosing allows you to set desired levels for alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium, and have automatic control of those parameters.  The best way to configure this will be with the task found in Apex Fusion called “Trident Controlled Dosing.”  Optionally, you may use this guide in lieu of the Trident Controlled Dosing Task.

Neptune Systems does not recommend running the Trident Controlled Dosing Task or going through this guide until the Trident has been in operation for at least 7 to 10 days.

You, as the aquarist, must generally understand the amount of each additive needed to maintain stable alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium parameters in the aquarium for this guide to be successful.

Select DŌS Pump


This guide assumes the Neptune Systems DŌS has already been connected to the Apex system and that the DŌS has been properly calibrated.  If that still needs to be completed, then please see the DŌS Get Started Guide to physically install the DŌS.

Provided that is complete, select the DŌS pump you wish to configure with the Trident by selecting the gear above the dashboard slider control for that DŌS pump.

Configure Amount to Dose

  1. Select Modify Interval
  2. Enter the Start time as “0:00”
  3. Enter the End time as “23:59”
  4. Make sure Action is set to “Add”
  5. Enter the volume of additive to dose to maintain the parameter.  In this example, that is calcium.  This is called the “normal dosing amount.”
  6. Select “OK”

For Trident Controlled Dosing of calcium and magnesium supplements, Neptune Systems recommends as few intervals as possible to experience the best results; a single interval spanning the full 24-hour day is suggested for calcium and magnesium additives, and also for alkalinity dosing for aquariums with a relatively low to moderate rate of alkalinity consumption.

Typically in aquariums with high rates of calcification, the majority (about 75%) of the daily alkalinity consumption occurs during the primary lighting period of the aquarium.  Consequently, when configuring Trident Controlled Dosing of alkalinity supplements, the use of three intervals is suggested.  Here is an example:

  1. the first interval will cover the period from 0:00 until the start of the primary lighting period; the volume configured for this interval will be approximately 15% of the total nominal daily amount of alkalinity supplement
  2. the second interval will cover the primary lighting period, for example, 08:00 to 19:00; the volume configured for this interval should be approximately 70% of the total nominal daily amount of alkalinity supplement
  3. the third interval will cover the period from the end of the primary lighting period until 23:59; the volume configured for this interval will be approximately 15% of the total nominal daily amount of alkalinity supplement

Optionally, distribute the volume proportionally (rather than equally) between the first and third intervals based on the number of hours of those intervals.

Enable Trident Control


  1. Select the “Configuration Gear”
  2. Select “Control Interval”
  3. Check the “Automatically adjust dosing using Trident measurements.”

Select Parameter


  1. Select “Test”
  2. Choose the parameter that will influence the total dosing volume

Select Control Value


Enter the “Value” you wish to maintain for the selected parameter

The dosing volume will change up or down in order to maintain this desired value.

Select the Control Range

Enter the control range for the desired parameter.

This is the range in which the Trident will have influence over the dosing volume.  Outside the range the Trident will return to the “normal dosing amount.”

For example, in the situation illustrated here with a control value of 425 and a range of +/-50, the Trident will have influence over the calcium level between 375-475.  The greatest degree of influence will be 375 ppm and the least degree of influence at 475 ppm.

Parameter Recommended Range
Alkalinity (dKH) 0.4
Calcium 50
Magnesium 50

Select the Control Limit

Enter the control limit for the dosing pump of the controlled parameter.

This is the degree in which the Trident will have influence over the dosing volume.  When the maximum or minimum dosing amount is reached the Trident will no longer influence and the dosing will return to the “normal dosing amount.”

For example, in the situation illustrated here with a control limit of 40% and a “normal dosing amount” of 25 mL, the maximum volume of additive that could be added over 24 hours is 35 mL(25*1.4 = 35) and the minimum amount is 15 mL (25*0.6=15).

Parameter Recommended Limit(%)
Alkalinity (dKH) 35
Calcium 40
Magnesium 40

Update to Apex Fusion

  1. Select OK
  2. Update to Apex Fusion
  3. Review the dosing settings by selecting the “Interval Summary”

What Values Should I Enter?

This is an involved question and Neptune Systems recommends to use the starting values and fine-tune those values as the Trident and DŌS become dialed in.

The best analogy for how Trident Controlled Dosing works is using that of a car speeding up and slowing down.  Imagine there is a car and the driver wants to maintain a certain speed.

When the car is going far below the speed limit, the driver will push hard on the gas to achieve that speed.  This is what the Trident will do when the parameter is near the minimum allowable range- it will add the highest allowable amount of additive according to the control limit.

When the car is only going a couple miles below the speed limit, then the driver will only slightly press on the gas to reach the desired speed.  The Trident will only influence the DŌS to increase small percentage over the “normal dosing amount”

The inverse of both examples holds true when the car is going above the desired speed.  If the driver is going too fast, then a hard break press is warranted.  Only a couple miles over the limit, the driver will lightly press the brakes.

How do I fine tune this?

As illustrated above, there are several variables that influence Trident Controlled Dosing.  Take a look at each variable to fine-tune the settings:

Normal Dose Amount

This is the value to always look at first.  If the desired parameter is not being maintained appropriately, then the dosing volume is likely too much or too little to maintain that desired parameter.

Control Value

This is the second value to look at.  It’s possible the “control value” that has been selected is an “ideal value.”  However, if the “control value” is too far above or below the “actual value” the Trident is reading, then temporarily adjust that value up or down closer to the level the Trident is reporting.  Make small changes.  For example, if the “ideal” alkalinity is 9.0 dKH and the “actual” alkalinity is 6.0 dKH, then a good “control value” would be 6.7.  Then as the “actual value” becomes closer to the “control value”  move the “control value” closer to the desired, “ideal value.”

Control Range

In most situations, it is best to keep the control range consistent and unchanged.  Too narrow of a range is like being behind a driver that speeds up and slows down frequently and behaves erratically.  It best to keep this around the recommended values listed above. If using too narrow of range, then the Trident will not be able to effectively influence controlled dosing.

Control Limt

In most situations, this is the variable to change if fine-tuning the desired level.  If overshooting or consistently too high, then decrease the control limit.  If undershooting or consistently too low, then increase the control limit.


If adjustments are being made, then only adjust one variable at time and wait at least 24 hours to see what kind of affect that has on the controlled parameter before changing another parameter.

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